Tuesday, August 29, 2006

She’s "Just" A Young Girl

As I've said before or perhaps I've said it later science in your planet is a young girl and as such is still quite lovable. She hasn't been touched much but still she is quite abusive and that is permissible because we fail to understand the bloodcurdling, her wickedness is going to spur! I am forced here to ask a question which has an answer before it can be asked, do blind souls that beg see? And before we can ask the question to clarify the response the answer which reached us forces us to ask yet another question, if so why do they refuse? Is there something so brutally horrifying about life that the only way we can live it is by escaping it through fictitious philosophies? The epic answer is that life is an unbearable product of suffering, yes when your suffering reaches indiscriminate proportions it becomes life. I personally favor this response but my own love for pain, and experience leads me to conclude that it is not life which is unbearable but "work". That is it, work!

Laboring is what truly makes life so abominable! Carrying that rock up that hill, goal, only to carry it again to yet another, same, goal, that is the preposterous fact that work does not make life tolerable, it makes it unbearable and work is an escape from life only because it comes after life, need more be said! Do not even dare to think I've forgotten our issue is with a young, pretentious little girl, oh no, that is precisely what we are talking about. The big bang theory and its companion the primordial soup is "just" another version of the story of creation and apocalypse. It is a fact that for us to adopt, and therefor be capture by a lie that lie must first explain the enigma of our origins, and their finality. And though there is more evidence for science both stories are trivial lies with monstrous effects, and not just because both project a catastrophic end to humanity!

Of course science won't admit to being related to religion; in fact science has constantly refused to tell us of her roots but the girl was born in a church and baptized in holy water before she so rebelliously walked out of the altar. The prodigal but unrelenting girl that's science! Her parents were preachers, inquisitors, bible worshipers and she can at best wish to deny it but her genetic imprint is that of the holy ghost! Education itself that of the intellect and of brain washing, originated in the need to spread the gospel; and the word was God's. Education was more of an accident an undesirable by product of religious indoctrination which is why not a few of the brains behind science went to sleep in monasteries.

More important knowledge is really the product of misunderstanding and it should therefor be considered with great caution. At an even more grotesque level knowledge is the diploma of ignorance, the epitome of confusion, yes, knowledge is the field in which ignorance acquires prestige and status. This is because not knowing and curiosity lead to a precarious need for answers, under such laboratory conditions knowledge develops, and her name should appropriately be "contingency". Contingency, knowledge, permits the belief in something until it gradually becomes unbelievable. In more metaphorical terms, knowledge is a canal which allows us to cross from ignorance to ignorance!

The evolution of this passage can be summarized as follows: first, something forces us to turn our heads away and what we see is the world, what I will now call the second preferable sight; this second sight being forced upon us by incapacity confuses us thoroughly and produces superstition. Superstition develops legs and transmutes into myth, through the passage of time the poet becomes coherent that is, erectus religious; and at about the middle ages religion goes trough its idea of angels and dark matter, a catharsis and knowledge comes forth to light the place up. In revealing testimony religion is the hypocrisy of ignorance and science is the entrance to death! That is to know something is to kill it, to know the world around you is to kill everything and if you do not yourself die then you are living among the dead.

But we love her don't we? The girl was pushed out the door because her parents disapproved of her approach to the altar, in a sense, science didn't want to kneel, she wanted to talk to God in person and to look him in the face! Youthful arrogance but everyone thought it would go away, and what everyone thought, we now know didn't happen. Most of her sisters which adopted witchcraft were burned at the stake they are still underground today, having neither the intellect or dubiousness of science. Science began as the heretic, her books were burned, her ideas were ridiculed, she was sentenced to prison, tortured and martyrdom lead to the death of those that having seen the empirical could not deny their eyes.

All of the necessary symptoms to acquire the disease of glory; the parallel with the life of Christ is no accident here! But science unlike religion recognized changing times and as well, the weariness of the people which is inevitable when their leader was invisible, his miracles were never seen but heard of, and his promises were unkempt, or hiding in the future of life, and worse in death. To oust its parents from the throne the girl had to make religion bad, evil. This could
hardly have been difficult since religion had at least by the bible violated all of the ten commandments and at least six of the seven deadly sins. What would be a formidable task was for science, the daughter of religion to convince us that she was good, that from bad seeds, good was harvested. Hardly a believable condition but science unlike witchcraft did not care about the odds, she was prepared with rancor to sacrifice science and humankind, and so she did!

Immediately science made the claim to being objective, certainly it saw how important it was to be objective in a world infested with unconditional gods; most of which accepted nothing but the good, only the good! Such bias left most of humanity without protection so science decides to study both sides of the issue by claiming to be objective, again by claiming the impossible. And as usual you all believed her but not I, for my eyes know that as soon as someone shows signs of objectivity, they have lied beyond reason, their culpability becomes undeniable! ...and it came to pass that through objectivity science served and slept with the wicked and the good.

The environment that had allowed the manipulation of the masses, that of miracles and unbelievable tales was falling victim to age, the older humanity became the more it doubted promises, in short humanity was maturing, which is to say stubborn! Fortunately for our girl a history based on prophets, poets and myth didn't need so much as a push to be moved out because it wasn't there. Everything more or less that humanity had believed in was false or mostly false if not nonexistent! To the rescue comes the army of underground renegades with fire and swords burning and cutting with empirical axes.

In a world of fiction a little bit of reality can go a long way, and so it did! Instead of promises, we were given theoretical formulas which proved results with consistency, and when we argued we were not labeled heretics but dialectics. It didn't take long before the center of the universe was displaced by scientific martyrs, the gospel of science said this is what is taking place and proved it. And for people who never cared why the ball was falling or why the sun moved as it did it was a fascinating discovery.

The sun was taken away from the altar, the sea was forced to drown Pluto, and heaven in its clouds was mortally wounded when lightning became electric and the clouds were dissected to death by condensation. Even the divine blue could not guard itself; and the lava rock lips at the mouth of the volcano salivating their lust for the virgins were starved to death! The poor, innocent Volcano’s, at last were denied their thirst for virgins! If my readers could see me now they would also see tears! The slaughter was marked by the insatiable rage of vengeance and to the horror, the girl did not cease when she was satisfied! The sanctified eyes of religion were shoved with a gravitational swift blow to the head into the microscope and telescope, then forced confessions were made. Perhaps the final brutal blow occurred when light was timed in its race from the sun, but the sadistic nature of this girl came to egregious living proportions when she gave us evolution!

Yes, she could do away with the earth as the center of the universe, she could destroy the mystery of the stars or our love affair with the moon, but to take away our spontaneous and divine origin! Dear god, that was the intolerable sin! The fervent energy of the crusades marched under the hand of god now science was marching with evolution at its helm. And it was here at this very point where parent and daughter were resigned to constant struggle!

The new world order, religiously pragmatic, is without doubt dictated by science. In the old days religion killed cultures, banished civilizations, they destroyed what centuries had built with bibles and conquistadors. The new world has science in the same act, destroying religion at the core of its weakness, immediate real time rewards. Science has promised us a longer life and in a stingy sort of way it has granted us a longer life. She too revives us when we are dying or dead or have you not heard the doctor say how fortunate we were to have made haste into his care a few more minutes and without the doctors interference we would have been dead. Of course proving a doctor wrong on something like this is not immediately in our interest. Science rescues us from cancer and malaria, when we hurt she makes the pain go away; because of her we can travel faster and in comfort, we are better and more efficiently nourished. She explains the world to us in ways that we can experience and understand, and best of all through knowledge, ...prayer, she serves us all. The wicked and the good, the Jews, Africans, and Hispanics, the weak and the strong. And was not David made equal to Goliath, not by faith, but through the sling shot, a product of science? When Goliath took to the ground religion was close behind.

Yes, all of us can have better lives if we adopt science and she wants to be adopted and loved, because as we well know, her parents rejected her. Which is why she lavishes us with gifts and comfort to replace the love she cant give, the passion that religion gave us! And as a reward for loving her coldness we are all made equal, what else could we want! Here is a god who tells us that we can go to the moon and takes us there, a god that tells us she could kill us all and proves it with an atomic blast, she can turn the night into forever day, she can kill the pest that disturbs our crops, she can even make it rain without us having to do a rain dance. And we don't need to have faith because we see her in the act.

But as I've said, the girl is a religious fanatic, she too tells us that the world had its beginning and that it will also have its end. She describes it with divine eloquence; the earth is slowing down, the universe is expanding, there is probably not enough matter in the universe to halt this expansion, and even if there is we will not be any better off for the opposite is a big crunch. So we end with the sun getting hotter, ...sort of like hell, only that in science its a thermal upheaval! At any case, or in either case we are all burned by a returning to our parent sun which turns into a red giant, ...angry god accepts returning son, then the family reunion of planets turns us all into maybe white dwarf, which is a scientific way of saying that in the end, we are all going to be very, very together, all in one type of stuff!

Yes the girl was rebellious but certainly not creative, no matter how we look at it its from mud pie to ashes. And yet who amongst thee dares to deny science today? Try to go anywhere without numbers which are not surprisingly the ten, "10" commandments. There you to question the perfection of mathematics. You will be laughed out of the room by the grand inquisitors in white coats. White is after all the color of purity and they love purity, vacuums where only the most enlightened of them can enter. Try to deny if you have the audacity the belief in evolution and some dead mummy will come to argue their view. Oh but they, the scientist are so tolerant but their tolerance is an insult!

And salvation was not even left out from their catastrophic inscriptions. Yes the earth will not last for ever but if we become more scientific, ...more pious, perhaps we can salvage the human race. Yes, god knows everything but science can know everything and unlike god it is not a shame to interfere or to share it. And what care we if religion spoke with god when through science we will speak with the intelligent! Before the end we will be so scientifically knowledgeable that we will be able to calculate the end to a Pico-second or nanosecond, pick which ever is the smaller unit, and then on the advice of our scientist, ...priest, we will all, not just two, climb aboard this huge spaceship, ...the arc, and venture forth into the vastness of the universe!

And still there is time for her to laugh, because according to her best estimates, we have roughly just a few billion years before the end. Mind you that science is still a young girl and the earth is some five billion years old, it took her that long to reach adolescence, it won't be mature come the end! But science does not plan to be here that long even if there is some inherent truth in her theories, because she is destroying us at a much faster rate; polluting us with her expensive solutions, solutions which damage, sterilize, our humanity and our environment. You see its all very rational which is why she can rejoice in her victory because when we find that science is too a false god, who as usual has burdened us instead of delivering us from harm, her "parricide" will have come to pass!

And what is this development of uncertainty and the unifying of the abyss
between life and matter? Why are scientist playing with cats, rats and acid like Witches do. What is this I hear of mathematical formulas that can not be proved beyond doubt? And is it true that chaos is beyond the super computers ability to calculate? Oh my ears having been assured of certainty now have to accept limitations is that not science looking at its future? at its level of acceptance? But more important is the expansion of its applicability? Thanks to uncertainty a principle about something that can not be known, science can at last in "principle" acknowledge the unobservable, it can accept the inexplicable which gives official birth to ”metaempirical science! And the cause of this is a rather ironic, humorous and unexpected, it came to be evident that the renegade child acquired too great a distance from its parents, religion. In escaping the rebel went to far from its most important mentor, the world of the unknown, of the inexplicable, the one her parents called the spiritual life, the mystery. And it is that mystery blended with human curiosity that gives the sustaining power to religions, and so it happens that science took steps, and not a few backwards, to grasp that one horrible and all embracing trap, the unknowable!!! This act was not a willful one for the unknowable collapsed upon science, as it has upon all which explain it!!!

He paused, or better say finished, and all I could do was look at him with wonder. These nuts new so much, they could make anything make sense and in this particular he had listed all things that I had believed, at least from a distance, and he was on the bulls eye on this one. Science had lately been vigorously defending itself from the church, from the witches and from some Leprechauns that had taken religious vowels against the counseling of the church. And yes things really get defensive when they are weakest, tolerance is best found among the strong, and science would soon find a need to comfort itself with the needy.

I asked the old man if there was any hope for science and he responded gently and kindly: Yes there is indeed hope for that girl and it is in a strange place for she has finished the rational labyrinth and so now she must exit and outside of the labyrinth there are few certain rewards, only possibilities. But if science chooses to believe that Ravens have powers that cast shadows on alchemy, if science learns to accept that the very reason why humans fall in love, that is because they need each other, is also the very reason why they should not love one another, and that there is nothing fundamentally wrong with that and that in fact that is closer to truth than in what we measure with a ruler, then science may have a chance. Unfortunately science is capable of passion but not of love such a weak heart can only fail.

He continued after picking his nose and pausing for breath… Science my friend, if it wishes to persist must grab at the fantastic for it is only the fantastic that is grand enough to encompass the universe. The fantastic includes strange things, humans that spontaneously disappear, dreams that are real, mothers that feel the death of their child in another world, people that are doing time for the crimes that others have committed in another future, another dimension, Clowns that tell us truths that escape gravity, and yet they are clowns, and what of the mules and the virgin birth, and of the magic brews that have caused many to fall in love while less fortunate have found their mortality. These are but a few of the fantastic things that science ignores and so it is deprived of experience the very heart of its own existence.

I said to him, “But science has created some fantastic things, things that were unthinkable and that now make wonders of everyday life.” His finger pulled some wax from his ear and he flicked it off to the side then said, “Sure the Superconductor super collider is a pretty fantastic thing, if you measure it with a small metric ruler, and add the word super to the name, but does it compare to a supernova that is very much super even without the super part of the name? Does it compare to an infinite universe? To a blackhole? Ha, no way, does not compare because it is infinitesimally small and that is what impresses science, they measure their ability to create energy against candle power, and that is romantic but certainly there are stars that would be a better but diminishing reference. In the end the greatness of science is mostly manufacture by incapacity, your dark city is at last coming to grips with these facts because what science can explain is not fantastic, and what we want and need, is the fantastic!

I said, “Do you then mean that you want the soul of science to astrosurf the universal plane, believe in God and to practice witchcraft at the same time that it sleeps with quarks, bosons, leptons and strange hadrons, ups, downs and very charming bottoms?” “Gluon, indeed I am saying just that, there is nothing grand about science and what is causing science its half life crisis is the fact that it can’t sink for itself a unified theory of the cosmos. Science still clings to its biblical beginnings and so to find a girl named SUSY that would explain away the wrinkles by marrying fermions and bosoms and just basically saying that everything was once one and at the same time equal, is certainly not a break with tradition. In a sense science is just trying to say respect me for I am my parents and I will prove it to you. One God, One Pangea, One Law, One spicy soup of acids, all equal, and all this all in one supersymmetry at one time theory comes from the fact that nothing can be everything if it is not also everything and therefor only one thing. Being everything means that it is only one thing. And so the truth is that there are very disparate things that have nothing in common with one another except perhaps the need to kill each other! And even if at one time everything was all in one then now it isn’t and if we were all in one then we didn’t exist, that equals zero. And if science continues in this light it will prove to us that we are not that important and isn’t that how religions got into trouble in the first place? Religion was never more popular and rich than when there were many Gods. And many gods to love us all.

Forget the making and breaking of one law, even God a selfishly devout practitioner of monotheism had to settle with a devil and for no less than ten commandments. And you can bet even saints have committed sins for their is no doubt that there are laws other than those mentioned in the bible. It is even logical that regardless of first principles there are fundamental differences now and reunification destroys, it does not unify - it becomes something bloody else. Science has got to learn that what the heart feels is not really in the brain, nor is what the brain thinks only in the brain, gutless brain or not. And let science beware that the fact that we bleed everyday more blood has nothing to do with bleeding and more with tasting magic drops.

It was an abrupt halt and his eyes pinned mine and he said: “You are bright and inspiring, sadly your time is short and so is mine, and I must get some sleep before morning, I am just not a night person.” And so with that he turned away and drifted into the darkness from which he came. I reached for Adriana’s hand and squeezed it with much sensitivity, I felt for the first time that the universe was understandable, but it was just not knowable.

We walked over to another cell it was empty except for a podium with a book in it and I asked whom inhabited this place. Adriana told me that the wise one that inhabited this place had taken his own life after reaching the conclusion of his own philosophy which he had written on that book, the ink had not dried on the last line when his suicide persisted. I asked her what abominable conclusion had he reached and she said: "I do not know for it is suspected that any that read that book and understands it will commit suicide." I said, "Has that happened?" "Indeed it has, a few have come to turn and cross its pages only to destroy themselves after the last chapter." I was amazed and with some consternation asked the obvious question, "Have any read it and survived?" "Sure," she said, "many more have read it and still are here, but they can not explained it nor do they appear to be impressed with what it says and so we are some what at a loss, At first I simply refused to read it because if I understood it I would kill myself, and I was not yet into death and if I don't understand it, it will be an insult I won't be able to survive." The light from the ceiling of the cell seemed to particularly rest brightest on the book, we walked away, the light seemed to be calling us, we encouraged each other and our obedient feet away.

First let me just say that the truth is ugly, not because it is or it isn’t, but to a human more the product of reality it has to be, second simplicity is nice but it is also brutally cold, third beauty is complex in context, meaning and structure there is nothing simple or necessarily truthful in aesthetic elegance.

The crux here is that the truth is by nature ugly to humans and that a connection between truth and aesthetics does not exist. Yes there can be something beautiful about a concept like relativity but it has nothing to do with what it measures or how it does it, the reason for its beauty has not been exposed by truth nor is it beautiful because it could be a truth. Second simplicity is said to be one of the elegant elements of relativity. Just how simple is something that well over 99% of the population does not understand? They can not even begin to visualize it and only geniuses can comprehend parts of it.

Now there is truth in wine but anyone that knows how wine arrives at truth would not think it pretty. Scientist want science to be pretty because they secretly wish to be artist, artist are creators, they are not happy with the world as it is, but there is nothing artistic in the empirical process, scientist, love the way things are, they are conservative, not a creative quality and as such they can explain but not create, at their best they can only duplicate.

I read this and explain it to you now as I interpreted it with incredible calm, beauty and truth not one of the same, not even related, I could see how grasping the implications of a universe with such a severe dichotomy would relinquish one only to oblivion. I survived.