Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Private Confessions

Woman are librarians by nature man are coffins that is man must have something inside of him to fulfill his purpose while for women being is enough. Librarians never store massive amounts of knowledge but they understand how to access and retrieve knowledge when they are in need of it. This is the essential element that clearly elevates women. Life what ever that is, truly belongs to those that use it rather than to those that become a part of it, women are utilitarian by nature they source what they need from life without moralizing their method or becoming tainted by what they use, man however become attached to their ideas to their actions they become them and as a result reduce themselves in this process. anytime that you adopt something by natures law you reduce yourself, I do not mean to associate this with the laws of thermodynamics which go out of their way to make energy a perpetual constant condition that can never be reduced, added or eliminated but only transformed into another state. No I do not mean this at all but this is exactly how it appears. A man adopts a philosophy, a country, a faith or a belief and lives and dies with this idea in his head the story of his life can be told as the progression into the idea or away from it into another but always as something that he adopts as a principle to live by and to propagate. As the idea takes hold of his life through the practice of rituals, through disciplined study, through active associations the man reduces his own importance and advances the importance of the idea. Man thus are willing to die for the cause, to forget their families, their condition for the cause and the cause lives and outlives them. But adoption does not complete them it only reduces them and this like so many things that happen to man is only good as far as tragedy is good.

Women, adopt nothing, why should they , they are creators, progenitors, they create and such have no compelling reason to adopt, though I should point out here that women do adopt men an act of pity? no, a woman adopts a man when she needs to access the idea that he has adopted, when she needs to retrieve the information that he has labor to understand and know. I say understand with great apprehension because understanding is not a natural male quality men seek to understand because they do not, their constant search for meaning and knowledge is from a dysfunction of their cognitive mechanisms. Women have never been great pursuers of knowledge because they understand and when one understands the importance of knowledge is greatly reduced. Women’s understanding gives her the ability to seek information when it matters and to ignore it when it is irrelevant. This is the crux, man seeks knowledge to make himself into something or so as to become that something which he has identified with, while woman will seek knowledge when the conditions required it. This is the librarian, she understand where it is, what purpose it might serve and most important what is relevant about it. And it is only what is relevant that a woman will remember. A man may store many irrelevant facts and details but a woman only what is the bloody core! Nothing that penetrates her stays inside of her, all of it gets secreted, discharged!

So man are coffins placing dead bodies of facts into themselves so as to make themselves into something and woman are librarians never storing anything within themselves but indexing by category all things relevant. Man adopt, women use! As always should you not agree with this it is do to your lack of understanding. I hope someday you get it.

Oh to know and understand women, to acquire their inner strength, their intimacy with nature, their intuitiveness that so well devastates and precedes knowledge and of this last-one I know best for nothing has faced me with more cruelty or caused me more despair and satisfaction than listening to a woman summarize my principles into two sentences.

The capricious nature of the feminine cusses masculine perversions. Man are deranged because life is the product of a mutual agreement between the sexes but the rules were written by a woman. To live they, we need each-other, but once their, our agreement to create and sustain life is carried out their, our differences become apparent in the social. Ultimately each sex would prefer to be independent, autonomous of the other. Women are closer to independence because the soul is feminine, because fundamental nature is feminine, because woman have more masculine built into their psychology than men have feminine built into theirs. The attraction to an opposite is merely an attempt at completing androgyny, only androgynous souls could really move forward to love another same as they.

We are either in or out! Some of you, from reading this, might conclude that the feminine will escape the masculine by internalizing him, by becoming androgynous, asexual, by adopting maleness, and I can not fault you, some have already boldly stated that the contributions males make, can be mechanized, automated and technically maintained. And being that we males are brutes, for we are this even at our most civilized stage, it seems possible. For us males to succeed too many things have to fail in our favor and this is very unlikely. But I will say this, it is implausible that the feminine will be able to recreate anything as simple and insensitive as the male, anything else, including a biological technology, is most likely to rebel against her powers. The submissiveness and idiocy of males is unsurpassed in the universe and this maybe because the feminine has pampered us well, but what now that she declares war against her own machinations?

The failure of the feminine movement, for instance, is really the failure of a masculine movement. The feminist failed because of their masculine strategy, because they were acting as aggressors. They were not subtle which is feminine, they acted as machos thus validating the male code of action. That is to say they were rejected because they were internalizing the masculine code of action to change mighty feminine psychology. Of course their failure to make masculine females was, fortunately for them, only proving masculine action inadequate. Male victories are footsteps in history, female victories are milestones. The feminist movement failed because women, not men, rejected it! But here is also hope for men for women fight in two fronts against each-other, as controllers for control, and with the masculine, on this front they have to maintain a balance but on their first front they have to win!

Men have only one war to win, which can’t be won for men even if they could absorb female character would ultimately be tied to physiological limitations which also manifest themselves in the psychological and metaphysical. I, again mean by that, that if there is a spiritual world it is not male, in heaven everyone is female. This is why fundamental crimes against humanity, related to evil or knowledge have primarily been perpetrated by woman like, the Virgin Mary, Eve, Pandora, and Snow White. Jesus Christ, Adam, Prometheus and the handsome prince did nothing important, it was the women they were with that carried the critical actions that would have severe repercussions.

Jesus Christ was what? An innocent! Anyone that thinks that the new testament was written by men is correct, but the bible is a foundation for social structure, this is pure immaculate feminine thought!! Jesus Christ was a mama’s boy! He was a bastard in the most literal sense of the word, he only had a mother! Joseph was a prune! He was a cipher! Mary did not need a husband anymore than Joan of Arc did. So it should not surprise you that the bible is designed to harness masculine power. Mary did not need a husband but she did need his power which is why she finished with, “Wait till your father gets home.” But I bet you ten dollars, I even bet you my life and your life that he won’t come, never, but the fear will have done its job.

Of course evolution tells us that given enough time and a need to adapt a species could mutate. But for the masculine this is an obstacle of considerable proportions for men are mutations of the feminine. So it is logical that it would be easier for women to absorb masculinity than the reverse of that! This is because as women they are more of what “is” really endemic to the species. I am of course, not a believer in evolution, but there is certainly more evidence for forward evolution than devolution. And for men, which, while evolving, have lost so much of their feminine nature, devolution, using the word cautiously, back into the feminine would be the step forward that they can’t take. Men are in fact evidence that evolution can downgrade specimens within a species, that evolution does not care about an individual entity, it cares only about the whole species, this is indeed very feminine. Individuality is largely a masculine trait, women are one giant social animal.

Let me be dismally optimistic and say that we males may win because our opponent can not trust their comrades, and yet they depend on each others trust and approval for social strategy, for morality, even fashion and more important for guidance on the subject of men. They tell each other everything and trust each others judgment; never did you see a men gather more female support than when he is wanted by other females. But the greater good can bring them individual disaster, women are never sure where they stand as a singular entity, they must always be tuning into the social and this causes a struggle with their need for individuality. Insecurity reigns more in what is woman than what is male. This is because what is woman is ephemeral what is man is concrete. But still to envision a male victory is absurd for we possess no qualities that secure existence, continuity, harmony. It is women that have been making sure that the fires rage and that they don’t burn out of control. We as men are taught to understand destruction not creation, destruction because the world we seek to destroy is not ours, and continuity when left to our own actions will seek to annihilate, to conquer, and to conquer is not to build relationships, we know not this concept of relationships, women know it too well but then they do not have to conquer what is already theirs!