Tuesday, August 29, 2006

The New Crime

It was a world that had never witnessed the crime. ”"the new crime" the papers would read. in the court of courts the defense is heard:

I am not here to defend this man for this man need not be defended. There is no man who commits a crime against himself, though many men would like to think that they have wronged themselves, no man can reverse his will, it is his strongest friend and it is his nature. So when a man commits a crime it Is in his best interest to do so and can we consider our own interest crimes? Spare your answers, absolutely not!

But I am here to defend our social order by requesting of you not to punish this man, for the crime he has committed carries the brand of an omen inhabited by a curse. To our very misfortune what this man has committed is a new crime, a crime that had never here to fore been perpetrated. As I've said he has created and fathered a new crime! So I urge you now, not to punish this man; against the great irony that he deserves to be condemned and murdered. Yet for committing this new crime we should also leave him on this pedestal as he stands before us and bow to him for being so creative. Indeed this individual has wronged us by giving us the knowledge of his crime. Yet the instant we Castigate this heretic, we will fertilize the reproduction of his crime. His Atrocity will be recorded on tabloids, law books and human minds. Soon it Will find shelter in every library on this planet where it will expose itself to prying public eyes, so that all can know that it lives!

And so those minds who might have never conceived it will be able to receive such evil, evil to us that is, deep with in their hearts. Introduced into the monstrosity of the crime another monster will arise and commit it once again. So this beast before us is also a genius, just like the first murdered and rapist had to be geniuses, for whose steps could they have followed, if not their very own? But what follows are only the readers of their crimes, they seek fame fortune perhaps only trying to scream for help. The tragedy being that unlike their mentors they fail to understand the reason for their crime. And so we must in order to ensure the end of the crime approached it from a different perspective. A less humane perspective no doubt but more effective; for like all, to all things the worst punishment is that which prevents repetition and propagation!!

Retribution brings criminal minds together, it is where criminals mate and learn to reproduce their crime, by force, for they are xenophobic by nature. And to go back on a point to make a point gentlemen, care to note that original criminals have a higher purpose than that of crime. That in fact there is the crime called upon by the divine if not by some higher order, some higher consciousness. The original murderer shares in the master plan, in the symbolic and mandatory gesture of the universe. His, is not just a responsibility but an unyielding destiny which violently marries him to a imprisoned existence. That our societies fail to see the messages which these criminals bare, which are in fact more victims than their victims, is only more evidence against us. But no matter ours is the task of retribution while theirs is the task of measuring our edges. And so only a few among us feel melancholic when we hang the romantics "the original Criminals", for only those who are followers commit crimes and they are indeed the real criminals.

What if unlike all the other crimes we don't punish this one? What if we Ignore its being? What if we don't put it on the books? Do we stand to lessen the crime? Will we stop it? Won’t it take another genius to commit it once again and are they not rare? Let us remember the first and last Christian, Jesus of Nazareth, whose philosophy burdens the soul with conscientious objections against its very nature. He injured us with moral values as arrows to our heart, destroying us through guilt, making us feel evil with in ourselves. But wait! He never wrote a word, he never wrote his crime, for he was not a writer nor a keeper of records. He was just an original criminal that stole his own soul, thus committing a new crime! Instead, it was a dozen loosed-lipped, uneducated pseudo historians, story tellers if you will, who recorded it on tabloids. So, because of misguided ink, his crime, I repeat of stealing his own soul, now torments all of our hearts; his soul has bewitched and possessed us, dawning upon humanity.

I believe Jesus knew this, and perhaps I lie when I say that but it is an honest lie. He knew that only a thinking individualist who could create his own laws, could carry the weight of his own crime. And as evidence, I present the indisputable fact that in gods eyes we were all criminals! All sinners! We were dammed! But those lousy, loose lipped, uneducated historians did not understand why he kept no records, and now we all run around stealing our souls. Of course that does not make of God a criminal for while we are his victims we are also the fake criminals of our crime. And we are this because we want to reproduce the stealing of our soul and to this date no one has repeated Christ!

Gentlemen, I hope you reason with me and abolish this crime, don't speak a word of it. You have never observed its indecent exposure, go to your graves in silence. Have amnesia remember this hearing, for the truth seems best when known by only a few. Ignore him I beg you, and if punish him you must, throw him into some abyss but for another crime. Burden him with that, it matters not the reason for his incarceration, all that is important is that he never ever return. Thus only a true bastard of a man, a genius at that, can commit this crime once again. And let us thank God for the lack of original men! Mind You, it is not god I am despoiling, but rather the uneducated historians, and perhaps really not them but rather our interpretations of their words. Save the presses this crime and later we will not have to burn the books, but only the inventors of new crimes!

Now, as I, the defense prepares to rest, I see indignation in your eyes; for in your minds I have failed to defend this man. I will not deny that, but you are fools if you think the defense is put on stage to defend the Criminal. On the contrary, it is there to defend the existing social order. and is that not what I have just done! I will however present one argument for this beautiful criminal, and while I am at it I might add, it is a horrible betrayal that we have to use words associated with good to describe the beauty of evil. But has it ever occurred to you the jury! And you, the judge! That when the law punishes a crime it does so not by justice, but by committing the atrocity of another crime? Can you honestly believe that there is a difference between stabbing a pregnant woman to her death or sending her murderer to the electric chair to be charred, while alive? Perhaps in your eyes and in the eyes of old justice whom is too proud to see that her medicine is feeding the illness and needing an illness to feed. Yet there is no difference between a lynching and a hanging, suffocation destroys the human spirit, who cares who committed the crime!

Is it not a great tragedy that we bury our fears under the mask of law, for what is law if not a fear, as justice too must be a crime! Members of this court, rest assured all of you, that when the apocalyptic hour arrives with its crusaders, if truth does prevail, justice too, will have to kneel before her mentor. And at the session's end, the proud hand of Justice will yield to its only option and put a bullet through its temple! Thus, on this day the slogan "Justice will prevail!" will double as her grave digger and "Crime does not pay!" will decorate the epitaph of justice!

With these brutally obvious points finally made, I looked at Adriana with my now standard crossed and perplexed feelings and said “Is this the case, is justice not justice is there no ethical ground that is not fluid in nature can we not even grab the laws to say that murder is indeed wrong? Are officers of the law from the same mold as murderers and is that why they are in the business of crime? Is finding a criminal for them as natural as finding one’s brother?” She responded by hitting me and smiling a bit as she did, she was of this habit and I rather liked her a lot for it, “Well yes cops and criminals are one of the same, the only difference is that criminals are independent, but I think this chick is a bit harsh, she seems a bit anti justice to me which is in the end a way of being pro justice, perhaps I should take you to her brother the dreamer boy.” “She has a brother here?” “Yes, but they are very different though if you ask me they share the same obsession.” She continued… “We will find him sleeping, he only dreams, I have never seen him awake, don’t know that he has ever awaken to take nourishment, don’t know if in dreams nothing is lost, don’t know if he ever sees his sister, nor if they know of each other, but I see the other looking this way, not so much with her eyes but with his being.”

Of course if evidence had any value we knew I was a murderer so if there was no justice I had nothing to lose from it, but not knowing how aliens might pass judgment, I feigned a moral sense. After many silvery foggy hallways we came to the dreamers bed, the white cotton sheets did not cover his body, no blankets present, his pillow comfortable, a very healthy disposition he did not appear troubled, his eyes closed, rapid eye movement was constant we sat next to the bed, very near his face we begun to listen to his dreams.