Tuesday, August 29, 2006

The Poison

Of course it is a problem, how could we not love someone that loves us when that subject has infected itself with love which will allow our unrestricted violations. We should wish that everyone love us because that is a license to use them, and we ought to be certain that their love be filled with passions for then not even their own lives will matter to them. Is it any wonder that god wants our love? Is it because if we love him we will sacrifice our children for him? If we love him will we throw our own lives over the abyss and ridicule the existence we posses? That is why to not be able to love is a virtue, it is like being immune to the worse poison, love. That is not to say that love is bad on the contrary love is the best evil that can befall us all.

Our thirst for love is well rooted because my reader the world is full of horror and pain, well, life is suffering and it is so because we are alone; not forgetting that we are also here against our will! Now there are many bastards running around with out thought that will tell you that they know of happiness. But I tell you they are liars which know not of their lies. Now love is the drug which makes one immune to one's own suffering and to external misery. So to be in love is great because love makes us feel well against the concrete evidence of reality. When we are in love the world looks, taste and smells great. Indeed we will be used but to a creature in love, using means kindness.

That love makes life wonderful while in fact being corrupt is what gives it value yet ideally we should try to be like gods! Demanding love but refusing to love. Because better than being under the influence of love it is to be in control of those that love? Gods rest their power on our love for them while they are indifferent to us. Now that means that humanities real sickness is its capacity to love. I dint want to say that but it is the unavoidable conclusion. Paradise was everything eternal life, happiness but there was no love in paradise, because perfection and love can not be united. Love is born of imperfection of malignant genes, and of insecurity. Which is why secure marriages find themselves void of love. Adam and eve fell in love betrayed their god who turned envious because he could not feel love. And for him a sacrifice it would be, from being an omnipotent perfect god to being in love. Horror!

So while it is true that we can not avoid wanting love and desiring to love those that love us, it is also true that we should despise love and reject it. But I know that we wont do that because we claim not to know what love is, in order to avoid the most tragic and miserable fact in the universe..... Think about it..... Now I have to repeat myself because this is one of the unbelievable things which can not be said to often or to well. Love is a poison which is injected voluntarily, (Involuntarily is a universally impossible condition.) into the individual. This poison we call love allows us to suffer, to feel pain, agony and tears even great discomfort with out us acknowledging the messages which over flow with negative information. Now under the influence of love we endure grotesque abuse and feel that the infamous world actually is a fine place. Again this is not do to faulty data from our senses, it is do to our indifference which is preposterous and in the long term catastrophic. Love, it now appears is a friend of life keeping in mind that life is the most tragic universal event, makes love an enemy of ours! But love endures life which for those who "are" is a vital need and certainly an advantage.

The grotesque part of love is that it: A: allows us to tolerate a life which should not and ought not to be lived. B: It also grants those that we love the privilege of abusing us at will. And even though this appears to be and indeed it is against our interest, we volunteer for the sacrifice against all rational and emotional signs of distress. C: It also forbids us the rights to be gods because gods are incapable of love. They are indeed omnipotent, they do know all things and are capable of acting at will, but the capacity to "love" is not a god like quality because love has absolutely no concept of things being and non being. That is to say that a God’s problem his reason for suffering is that he knows everything and can not love as a consequence of his knowledge, and that is also why the gods do not care about their creations.

Knowledge constitutes suffering because it seeks to love for knowledge is the treatment given to the self, by the self void of love, of faith! Knowledge is reduced to being the product of colossus impotence, so the gods are helpless, they are the real nothings, they have thought themselves into oblivion! Now their existence is in question and try as they might to return, they can not because they have dissolved themselves by trying to feel everything! Now who could possibly believe that? Remember the qualifier is not even knowledge but on the contrary gods suffer because love is not a part of knowledge or wisdom.

Love is by it self a highly toxic inexplicable which endures beyond even the world of gods. In its most infectious form love is found in humanity. Heaven is a sterilized sanctuary, the gods can not bare there existence because they are not infected by love, they are completely immune to it and ironically they are also immortals. Which means their suffering is inconceivable to a human race, which is contaminated by love. And to add value to our story humanity is mortal. Which is why if existence is going to occur mortal existence is the most preferable. Only because it has love in it and at the same time because it is temporary, which means love will not last for ever!

The question which initiated this quest was: how could we not love someone that loves us? The answer is obviously if we were gods. Killers love their victims in fact killing is the ultimate act of love and the master loves the slave and so on... But gods can not love and they suffer for that but they also control the universe. Because if we do not love we can control the object that loves us and that loves. Love belongs to the world of imperfection to the devil, the devil loved god and there fore could not live in heaven. Love refuses perfection, love begins to banish as its proximity to perfection narrows. Naturally gods want us to love them so they can use us and then send us to hell, which for creatures that love is not a tremendously horrible place to be. If we want to have power we must learn not to love, this explains all governments, if we want to be humane we must hope to fall the victim of love. But remember loves only virtue is that makes life bearable, but it does so by deceiving us, which is not a virtue!