Tuesday, August 29, 2006

The Missing Digit

We came upon one lunatic that had mathematical genius written all over him and
Adriana told me that this great mathematician had discovered that there was a missing digit, that he had proved beyond doubt that there was an eleventh digit, not just the standard ten that the universe was so used to but rather there was one more. And he had correctly identified it’s position as lying between the number four and the number five. This was of course an incredible discovery, first no one had ever question the absolutism of the ten digits, so that alone was a feat of tremendous proportions, but to be able to prove it beyond doubt even greater, and he done that! Still I was told he was here because he had never found the number, that is, he had proven that there needed to be an additional number between the four and the five, had even proven that other numbers, not mentioned here to save their reputations, were keeping greater value to themselves so as to selfishly prevent the real number from appearing, and he had proven all that, but he had failed to identify the number it self. And more corrosive to his crystalline mind, he had stumble upon varying values to each number, that is that each digit was not equal to one whole sum but rather that some were worth more than others but all worth at least one whole sum, certainly the lunatics in this joint would agree with him. And so there you have it, great genius proves its own stupidity. I didn’t like math, and I wasn’t about to get involved in a one way conversation with some one that did, more to the point I doubted that math could contribute to my madness. We walked on.

A cell that contained yet another lunatic was empty, and it was then that I noticed that the cell doors did not have locks. Adriana looked inside the cell but it was obvious she did not expect anyone to be there and she led us down a beautiful spiral staircase that led to what was apparently a piano bar. It had a piano playing a jazz like tune and at the bar was this very calm woman, staring into the wall, into her wine glass, into the gray... Adriana sat next to her and I stood next to both resting my hand on Adriana's shoulder. A bearded fellow with a long pony tail and a severely ugly mustache asked us if we wanted a drink, Adriana did not ask me what I wanted but instead ordered for me and when it came I was pleasantly surprised with what accurately imitated a martini, up with two very succulent olives.

The nameless woman sat there in silence and we spent a few minutes listening to the music, communicating in silence it seemed that she did not like to talk without first knowing the person at an intimate level, the silence was building our relationship. After more martinis than my bleeding ulcer should a had Adriana spoke with her. “This guy comes to us from earth a dark planet full of interesting cultural structures, he is curiously in search of some truth while on safari for destiny, and I am sort of indebted to him for the warmth of his body which he reluctantly shared with me.” The woman smiled slightly and said, “I hope to his credit that it did not take much convincing but if it did next time don’t waste your time with him just come to my bed.” I immediately interrupted the fun, “It was I think wonderful for both of us madam but as you might figure for me it was a first hence the slight hesitation which I think Adriana is over capitalizing.” She smiled again, “Such a serious fellow I presume that the search for truth while fighting one’s destiny makes one a solemn character?” I responded, “Not the search but the findings.” “Well I don’t know what those findings might be I am particular to love and it is many things, except truth, but it is in all things and all things have not realized love so I remain willingly naive to all of those things.” I said “Is love connected to destiny? Are we born to love someone or is it just a random event? Can you answer that or, I noticing pain in her eyes, is it to cruel of a question. She did not respond to my question, from then I could see that she found me too harsh, for she knew and could see that my aura was lacking of purples, she would speak but never really looking at me, she would glance in my direction but her eyes were randomly circle the room, and this is what I think her gentle heart said.