Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Timed Eternal Universes

There comes a moment in which we have to talk about time, a rather difficult task for me for not only do I not grasp a concept of time I just simply do not believe in its existence. of course it is so like me to discuss subjects which I am completely ignorant of that this wont prevent my opinion from flaunting it self.

Time was originally created to accumulate interest, sell clocks, calendars, age prevention creams and machines that can accelerate from zero to sixty in four seconds flat. Of this fine group only age earned the most remarkable reputation because it made it possible to discern children from adults and adults from senior citizens. This also made birthdays, anniversaries and death obvious so we could celebrate them at specific intervals. And on a side note mourning the dead is a modern celebration of death, mourning increases the period of death in time.

But the primary objective of time was not to sell clocks. That time would play a role in relativity or make it possible for people to arrive late was originally inconceivable. That that would also lead to getting paid by the hour instead of the work done, and that it would synchronize people from opposite polar caps was unphantomable. Did sun dials or did the sun itself need to give us the time? Though the sun does play a vital role in illuminating the earth one can not forget that the primary use of the sun is to mark time. Yet the sun is not by any standards the center of time.

To be frank we do not know where time is born though we can point out that trying to sell it or pawn it reduces its value, and accordingly trying to buy it increases the cost. its origins are of a questionable nature, probably because only a fool would accept responsibility for being the creator or parent of time. We would rightly hasten to kill such maternal entity because time is our enemy, she is what murders us, that is if something else does not! There is a passion deeply rooted in the human consciousness that desires to kill her, to stop her, to end her unappealing nature.

But to even conceive that we would first have to find its cradle. might it be that every clock is the center of time, every wristwatch, every grandfather clock, every hour glass? It seems reasonable to conclude that time emanates from clocks and that from "each" clock it expands outward evenly engulfing everything. No, that is simply to easy, we could then just destroy all the clocks and that would cease that pounding heart beat of time.

But it would not do to send neutron bombers to blast the hell out of peaceful Greenwich and its chronometers, atomic clocks or what ever it is that they use to incubate time. Our problem is more complex yet quite simple. Time is "individual" in fact it is every individual. all particles mark time, all things are their own clock. that is why the sun does not rise at the same time everyday, it owns its own time. It is also why snails appear to keep slow pace and road runners a fast one. Which explains why some organisms live what "appears" to be an instant while other rats, or like your Moses and trees live a few hundred years.

If we were to examine the real effect of time with a critical eye and say not a human one, what we would find would astonish our minds. The reality in words which can not explain it, is that we all have the same quantity of time. That we all travel the same path and that the life span of a cell is no different than that of a tree. But in order for these to experience the same amount of time they live more or less time. Time is specifically different to the human race, we Erehwonians certainly care to think so, it loves to play your devils advocate. It most often makes you to early or to late, when you have to make a critical decision it speeds up, when you want it to hurry it slows down. It moves fastest when you are busy because it wants to frustrate you and it reaches maximum speed when you are having fun for it wishes to end your happiness.

Her normal rule is the more we live the less time we will have at our disposal. And she is not afraid to slow down her passing if we are waiting; for she loves to drag the hours if only to bore us to death. Her most peculiar trick takes place when we don't have a clock at our disposal, then she fluctuates radically thus helping us to lose track of her. Which is why a true clock, a good clock would speed up or slow down according to our activity, for time is in no way constant she fluctuates faithfully. It is only naive humanity which seeking to dominate time with rigor has thought to standardize her minutes, hours, years. Still her clocks are each as different as a snowflake.

But the problem is not so adaptable for time contains times within itself and in indefinable terms time is either obsolete space or nonexistent real-estate. Here, we must board the ark to avoid a flood of information which would leave us in delirium and instead we shall pursue our discussion from a completely different perspective, related by the intricate web of association which is unavoidable in the universe, yet quite out of context superficially.

There are countless numbers of eternity's within time, countless numbers of life times and finite moments and I know that the idea of time in eternity seems preposterous, but yes, I know it for a fact that eternity has time. How else would we measure eternity if not with the use of a very long, long time. Eons compose eternity, it would otherwise be worthless to have eternal life if one did not know or have a way of measuring living forever.

Supposed you lived in a perpetual universe where all life and matter would remain forever or the same, that is maybe time would not pass or at least cause things not to come to pass, yesterday becomes an interesting concept. How would you set a date to meet someone without time? How could you take your medicine once every six hours? Without time in a perpetual universe you would burn the cakes, not forgetting goodbye birthdays, holidays and weekends. A serious catastrophe it would be if this forever and ever did not have time. Wine without time, music without timing, horrible. Horse races? What about maturity or seniority would they die without time?

Fact is there are eternity's without time but not all of them only a very few, less than twenty-three and a half percent, and they are complete egregious chaos plus thirty-six percent. There is no discipline, no synchronicity, no order because with out time nothing can be programmed to happen in a sequence. What does occur is fascinating, everything happens forever constantly. No, that is not a contradiction in an eternal universe everything is simultaneously always happening. Nothing ever ceases, one has sex forever, eats forever, is sick forever and is also healthy forever, miserable forever, in love forever, even wrong and right forever and ever. Perpetual death what a concept, where could one hide from eternal solitude, eternal madness? Where would one meet another if being a stranger was a perpetual condition and more of the same for friendship?

That is exactly what happens in Eternal Timelessness Universes. In their opposite, Timed Eternal Universes there is of course a sequence for events, but everyone and everything must wait its turn, which ironically could and does last for ever! There everyone is frozen because everything has to last forever and waits for its turn perpetually. You can not be happy forever in an eternally timed universe, though technically you could not be sad forever either. But the sequence forced by time in the perpetual universe is timeless. You have time all the time you need, eternal time but you have to organize eternally to be placed in your eternity!

There is a simple rule that makes this odd thing possible to understand: In a timeless eternal universe absolutely nothing can be left untouched, in the timed eternal universe things can be touched but systematically remain untouched. A popular error is made here because we assume, according to the above rule that they are twins, and for practical purposes timed or untimed eternities are equals of their opposites, but not twins. The critical difference is that in timed eternities everything happens forever, simultaneously but in different frequencies. While on timeless eternities everything happens simultaneously in what can be called, but is not, a single frequency.

This is where a very perplexing factor comes into play, and take play literally for this is the fun part. In timed eternities one can theoretically jump frequencies, that is to hop from one eternal act to another, if you haven’t figured it out yet an act is a frequency. Unfortunately to do the jump the subject would have to place itself in an objective position, that is, a neutral point, a territory outside of timed eternity. Which can be fatal. If for instance the individual, or the individuals frequency, has already died in a finite universe, when he steps to the exterior of eternity, he ceases to exist! Nice. And that may happen even before he consciously inhabited eternal times which is a polite description of an individual being ripped apart in the most gruesome manner. So he is, metaphorically speaking, left to die in timed eternity before, before leaping to the objective position, never really reaching neutrality to die, he dies "before" his "death" in eternity which of course was not suppose to happen, and came without his awareness of it and there’s got a be nothing fun about that. In eternity people can still die but it is just more of a myth than a reality but the frequency jumper meets the myth or the conditions of his death are met before he dies; leaving him dead in eternity before he can perform the act which killed him!