Tuesday, August 29, 2006

When Salvation Becomes Intolerable

What is most clear is that everyone is very confused as to the meaning of love. We speak of love as an act of caring, devoid of violence and hate. We speak of love as the ultimate form of compassion yet observed with scrutiny love reveals a violent character. All of the horrors that have been perpetrated, all of the crimes and wars, even the lies can be attributed to love. No, there is no duality, it does not even break into a dichotomy of love and of hate. For love encompasses everything from extreme to extreme, there is no opposition only love as the cause.

And love is brutal and overwhelmingly powerful. There is but one kind of love and this love has produced everything, from war to peace, from friendship to individuality, even death! This love, this only kind of love is the creator of all things and so it is often confused for god! It is the “LOVE of the SELF,” of the "I", it is the only kind of love. And in history none was better aware of this than the son of the virgin, wife of your God. Not only did this beast considered himself better than the rest of us, as any decent person should feel, but he also gave himself divine origins. And since his infinite greed knew no boundaries, which it’s to say that it was everywhere and wanted to be in everything, he decided that we should all love him and that not doing so should lead to hellish retribution.

Not a few were fooled by this concept and love serves us well the better we know it. We ought then not to be surprised by the religious fervor, violence and hypocrisy which dominates contemporary and past times. If we really want to end all wars by adopting peace, we should first study this concept or thing we call love. For this thing... produces more violence in peace than when it is producing wars. (Nowhere is human kind more isolated from it self, than in times of peace.) Love of the self has no opposition, no antagonist! Why? Because opposite of love for the self would be hate of the self, and nothing not even the most despotic and horrendous thing that exist can hate itself. Because as it must be well known the moment I hate myself with all honesty I cease to exist!

Things that hate themselves begin to destroy themselves but until the destruction is complete they love themselves! This is because life requires tremendous amounts of devotion, so to live is to love yourself above that which you must hinder, eat, use and destroy! That being the case all things that live love themselves and they obviously do not oppose this. As to the ongoing debate of which came first, and the proposition that love and hate were spontaneous and simultaneous there is but one truthful reply. Love was first, not because love was good but because hate is a subsidiary of love. We now know that love of another is a poison acting on behalf of true love, which is no other than love for the self. Any love which is given is poisonous love, it has a definite purpose for the only person which receives true love is the self!

We want to spoil this self, all else we want to exploit! Hate was not prime because love is what inspires hate; it is because of love that we hate that is, this symptom develops because the cardinal of love, the self, has been negatively affected. What we offer as love, poison love, has a positive aspect in that the object we abuse with it, develops some form of satisfaction, even if that satisfaction is an illusion. But when that changes form it becomes hate, and hate has the same interest of love at heart, that is to abuse and exploit like love, but unlike love, hate performs the surgery without anesthesia. Hate assumes complete disregard for its victim and simply strikes oblivious to the consequences. Hate then nourishes as true love derives unpleasant experiences from the love it directs, poison love.

It is true that only instants after the development of this "I", the center of everything feels the rejection of the external which is not "I"; and it also finds apparent untouchables which leads to the pregnancy with hate. Hate being the child of pain from the mother which is intensely narcissistic. But love is primary and we, the "Is" are first and the only way in which we can love everything; is if it becomes a part of us. And that is why we want to conquer the universe, because we want to love that other which can only be loved by being a part of us.

Were we perfect like god he would adore us too but that which is unlike him he hates, condemns and punishes. And that is rightly so; because the intolerable sin which others commit against us, is to deny us the right to love them, that is, to deny us by not incorporating us into their being! And the rage of hate is such that it acts like morphine to its "I". What happens is phenomenal, hate seduces feelings so that the "I" can perpetrate outrageous atrocities, without concern and in defense of itself! But hate develops after the damage has been done, not prevented so through hate the "I" often consumes itself, then salvation becomes intolerable!

He paused, he had been in a trance, connected by his frontal lobe to the black hole at the center of his heart. But this man was now confirming things which I had always suspected to be true and it was also quite true that he was Poison. Minutes later he reestablished his third eye connection to the concentric black hole at the center of his heart and so the gravity of his words persisted...