Tuesday, August 29, 2006

The Proletarian Dictatorship

Knowing what is best for others rightly deprives one of democratic thought.

And the rare known fact that women were in control of the world while forcing men into responsibility for it, was not the only sacred seed of originality that I possessed. No, I also knew something which went completely unnoticed in our society and guessing by destinies savage wish to keep me alive he must have wanted posterity to know what I knew of the present. Being that you have been cynical enough to stay with me, and figurine that by this point in my work we would have lost all non-believers we, my fellow thieves, can now tell each-other the truth, I mean I shall tell you the truth. Truth which will be apparent to you because you kept on penetrating all my filters, this leads me to conclude that you know what I know, and you may say why not tell the non-believers and I say on to thee why should we taint ourselves with the blood of the non-believers, why should we pursue to convince them of the truth if they have failed to convinced themselves, besides it is not so much that the truth is a fact but rather a shared pleasure. That we share the known amongst ourselves, stealing it from the rest by keeping it from them that is the joy!!

And what I knew, my fellow thieves, was this that while dictators and regimes had fallen, puppet senates crumbled, false republics into financial ruin, and the prophets of world control, of individual rights forcefully removed, had fallen from favor in a bad way, I knew that in reality the nightmare had come true. I knew that the greatest invention of all time was not the wheel, nor the airplane, nor wireless communication but it was the discovery that labor could be stored in gold.

Yes, Oh yes, I tell you this with a solemn look in my eyes, with seriousness that rarely escapes me, I tell you that we have tattoos on our bodies, that we are being watched constantly, that we are not allowed to turn our TVs off, Oh perhaps I mean that we will not turn them off, perhaps I mean that we volunteered to tattoo the number on our backs, yes in the free world, the world that won over the calumnious violators of human rights, we are not free and no-one even knows it, no one has a clue because the truthfully false prophets, indeed false negatives, even the greatest of them all did not foresee that our liberty would not be taken away, rather we surrendered it voluntarily, willingly, we wanted it taken away, but it was also not a surrender it was rather automatic.

Everyone expected storm troopers to pound at our doors, or a big brother to represent our servitude, but no-one ever expected us to be big brother. Reducing our personal lives to pure individual isolation so as to serve and feel worthy only of the social. The social became our best friend, our father confessor, our, you might say our mother even. The idea was simple take away their connection to family and they will love society, because without a family society is stronger, all this talk about family values and tradition is all nonsense, the facts are that we are all familiar with the alliance a soldier gives an army if he has no other family, well the cry for independence was the cry for dependence on the social, when we said “No-one tells me what to do!” “I made myself everything that I am!”, is to say that one has a social family but not a personal family, not a warm relationship but rather a professional or a responsibility based association with the value given by the social, the social will tell us what to do and that being an impersonal made us feel free.

Family values nonsense it has never been in the interest of society that the family survive, never! A family is a clan that can form very individual desires how can this ever be in the interest of the whole, never. Society told us to care for our children but put us to work and gave us child care. Society blamed us for the break down of the family but it was society that robbed us of our authority over the family. The ideal family became a centralized idea, something that was defined by academics, therapist and enforced by social workers. Yes, society got elected by promoting family values but it stayed in power by destroying blood relations and replacing them with ephemeral social structures. In fact the intent of the social was always to eliminate all blood loyalties and to turn them into social loyalties. Trust thy therapist, trust thy doctor, trust the banker and the lawyer to ensure the best for you, escape the bonds of what is family you are you own person.

You crook, need I tell you that the social is now all to us and that we are nothing to it, that if a cell perishes in our body it means nothing to us, but to the cell it matters. Just when everyone thought that we had broken the joke of servitude, of slavery, of coerced participation, we came upon our most tragic of tragedies, US! All along we were the enemy, all along we were the ones that surrendered our labor and our energies to fantastic catastrophy. Yes, Oh Yes, we were not just obeying orders when we took up the campaigns to slaughter millions, we were not just obeying orders when with racist seal we raped and pillaged ethnicity, yes the loose lipped historians could always point to one individual, to one character that stood up in the crowd and said: HEY LETS TORTURE AND KILL THE BLOODY BASTARDS! But historians were so busy trying to identify pivot points, climax and resolution, with progression as their theme so as to equate it to some magical development, all as if we could learn from history, that is historians, and perhaps because of that history was important. But I will tell you this fellow thieves not only did we not learn from history but it also wasn’t in our interest to do so; for history was damming evidence that for the most part we were a sick lot, a very sick lot!

But these individual characters that outlined the grandeur of history instead of being thought as mere figure heads were constructed as architects of the will of the people which were and are for the most part considered innocent victims of world events. The masses were, are an interesting lot they learn to be average quickly because they are smart. I mean in a world of common people, the only way you are going to get your way is if you are common so lucky are those that learn to be common quickly. The masses were average by choice it was a survival strategy, and a very successful one. The only reason democracy is so successful now its because it ignores individuality and caters to mass appeal.

The rise of the Bear was a feudal cry against the real arrival of communism, it was an attempt at securing feudal family trees, a misguided promise of a personal world where each individual would own everything, and own nothing just like one big happy family. A personal world built by angry boys that never got over their father or their brothers, a personal world void of controlling parental interest produced by rebellious children which, because of their personal rebellion could in fact never hold dear any universals.

Democracy is the will of the mass and all this insignificant mass becomes very powerful against the phenomenal energy and dynamics possessed by unique individuals. The masses are successful today because they organized so well, they like each-other so much that they do not mind wearing the same styles, eating the same foods, thinking the same thoughts and agreeing not to disagree or to discuss anything of importance, in short they agreed to be stupid together so as to be strong. Individuality could never compromise and it was found dead in a hotel in Zurich one late October morning.

So what I am telling you my fellow thieves is that democratic dictatorship by the masses won because the tyranny of freedom and individuality reckless careless as it was lost. The historical process of course is economic and the realization of this was not just communist but capitalist. The communist of course wanted to uniquely grab control of economic forces because like the children that they were they wanted to control their own destinies. The capitalist were less impressed with humanity and more impressed by the forced marched progression that free markets would produced. Today we realize that attempting to control the economic historical process can only fail.

We are not only mortals which is to say dead but we are also economic beings which is to say, material, we can be bought and sold. Bought and sold according to the needs of the markets. Of lazyfare economics. Material that is woven from relativity’s fiber, but fiber that sacrifices much to travel through space instead of time, the lowest measure in a universe of pure energy, the slowest, the least free radical. I tell you nothing is more important than economics, certainly not science that has to surrender pure research to market returns. And the communist were right, the historical process does lead to socialism and communism. But they should have listened to their brothers and not rushed the historical process for that would only produce unnecessary bloodshed, they should have sat and watched and cherished not their ability to change the course of history, an ability they did not possess but rather their ability to understand its logical economic progression into a socialist totalitarian democracy.

You and I my fellow thieves are today material of the economic machine and we, and let me emphasize this, and we are not free, not free at all, today only economics is free! Economics is free to do what ever it damn well pleases! You and I are its servants.

If it is in the interest of economics that we be forced out of our profession we will be, if it is in the interest of economics that we make less money, that our monetary unit be worth less, that we save more, that we take less time to recover at the hospital, then so be it. There is no freedom in the corporation, we all expend most of our time there, it is not necessary for the government to restrict us capitalism restricts, where is our bill of rights when we enter the company? That my fellow thieves is the truth.

There is this social animal that is allowed to roam and to be free but we are not that social animal we are a part of it, and as a part subservient to its desires and wonderings. Economics tells us how often we can call mother, how much expensive red beef we will eat, it may be an economic necessity that we become vegetarians. Phantoms deep rest the individualism that hammered out the course of humanity today, and tomorrow belongs not to anyone of us, certainly not to individuality, mine is a last gasping breath of death. Today, tomorrow belongs to social economic forces that dictate their will to us and if it is in their interest that we be engineers or artist then sorry are those that want to be philosophers. The will of the people is the economic will and people judge freedom based by how well they can entrenched themselves in the economic blanket.

True, the people also judge freedom based on cultural ethnocentricity, that is how close is it to my culture, people tend to feel freer not because they are free in the literal sense, but rather because they are culturally familiar with their environment. Economic freedom easily supersedes national boundaries, cultural freedom rarely will accomplish this, the exportation of culture requires longer breeding periods, money can buy time and thus the greater sense of freedom.

Fences, fences, fences, voluntary compliance, this at last is the new world frame, And thus the real social revolution for the bearded communist fellow was right capitalism would breed its opposite and the proletariat did take over for the capitalist, capitalist were subverted by the proletarian dictatorship. Price competition did reduce profits and technology was brought in to reduce cost, and the displaced surplus labor was kept artificially employed but what the communist did not foresee was that it would be a peaceful quiet revolution where before anyone realized individuality had been shot in the back and democracy would be the leading cause of it all.

The bearded fellow did not foresee that the highly organized proletariat was even more advanced than the social structure of a beehive, the proletariat did not need leaders, yes everyone was clamoring about the loss of leadership, clamoring about the fact that the leaders did not lead but merely followed the masses, the polls, no centralized fantasy here but under communism this was the real victory of the proletariat. And indeed the leaders were strictly figure heads so that the proletariat could decapitate them at will. Leaders were just nameplates for movements and it was always in the interest of some to eliminate the leader but it was never in anyone’s interest to eliminate the office. So the herd had no leaders, the stampede needed them not, because it just trampled what ever got in its way or toss it aside. And this kind of automatic pilot phenomena was perhaps imperative because there was a rumor that if there was a higher purpose it was not for us nor possibly was this higher purpose favorable to us. Mass movements that did not favor awareness were a barbarian symmetric equation, Clown had a linguistic formula for it: Power By Numbers.