Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Hang The Clown Hang The Clown

The days that the audience used to clamor for the hanging of the clown are long gone, laws came into effect to prevent this from ever happening specially after the all too well know incident at the Jolla Circus. Now it is illegal to yell “hang the clown hang the clown” at the circus; and frankly I am not opposed to that because it is to easy to be brutal to a clown and something that is easy always loses its novelty.

Of course this particular clown had it coming, it was well known to those of us in the know that he was working to eliminate mathematics by creating linguistic formulas his most famous being: “Matter Antimatter Doesn’t Matter” this was an impressive an concise verbal formula which would allow for five year olds to deduce the annihilation of opposites, and the symmetric misalignment of the universe. But scientists were not particularly happy with the idea. They argued that a clown could not a scientist make and that language could not express mathematical precision. I, personally analyzed this formula and successfully used it to draw a line between Physics and Sociology. This was in conjunction with his revolutionary, evolutionary “Survive or Perish” formula which was only supposed to explain evolution, but proved, for me, to be socially adaptable. Yet my findings were never reported by the scientifically biased press. And not enough praise can be spoken of his: “To Disorganize, Organize” which is the grandeur of formulas, changing nothing while explaining entropy and it’s effects in minimalist fashion, and almost by result, audaciously reversing its effects. The critics persisted but the Clown used to just laugh at them, as clowns do, while saying things that almost made sense like “Even relativity can be brief because everything slows down at the speed of light.”

The press, these were the folks that had killed witchcraft, paraphenomena and astrology, while constantly printing stories of these professionally discredited practices to sell their magazines. The presumptuous assumption that while the general pubic was buying the publication because of the witch burning on the cover that they would be enlightened by the other articles inside, was believed by none.

I, myself never respected the clown or clowns in general, they like he wore those makeup masks that hid nothing, for like our faces the smile was painted on and on that laughing mask a tear lined the cheek. It was not a laughter producing tears, the laughs were loud and boisterous to hide the sadness and the crying, that is why there is more laughter on the face and only one tear, an act of novelty I don’t think so an act of violation.

The clowns violate the personal, the private, rape of the self! The classic exposition of turning ones nakedness inside out to show mute social faces. It is the giving of the inner to satisfy voyeuristic madness lacking the privacy or denial of a topless dancer. The sacred is sold to adventurism, sold to the thrill of being seen by ones peers in daylight as one is in darkness. The self is left without its secrets to cherish without private understandings. I can not advocate this circus laughter, those false confessors. Clowns rushing away from morality into a naked world naked, see me everyone, see me.

In the old wars it was the practiced of the soldiers to burn the women they raped, do you think it was to close the act? To save face? Or to deprive a sacred privacy? Soldiers can be accused of cruelty of amoral violence but never ever of lacking honor. Sadly we can not say the same for the circus and its clowns for at the circus, pugnacious bestiality and comic madness are shown to our little children.

Anyway my conversation on this matter is kind of pointless because the death penalty had long been abolish after the massacre on project Insight. Insight was one of the most fascinating experiments of our times, for that matter of all time. The project was a phenomenal undertaking of technology, genius, incredulity and faith. Everyone has heard of it but just in case eyes here have not I will tell you. The project begun as the technological aspirations of a brilliant philosopher but to say he was brilliant is not to say that he was famous or known or that he scored high on IQ test, but rather that in the sense of the word philosopher he was a philosopher, and sense philosophy had long fallen into the valley of ill repute, as an anachronism in these technological times that is not saying much of his genius or of philosophy.

It was perhaps a just condition for technology did not require us to know the truth but rather gave us tools to deal with its consequences. The early history of civilization had long been troubled with the search for truth that is with philosophy much like our scientists seek technological wonders, but the truth had been found out to be unknowable and therefor its usability was limited and in being limited useless. We here know that we have to deal with results from the truth but not with it, and we are wise enough to pursue the reality and not the truth we can not have.

Scientists did away with religion and economics did away with philosophy and the world has long become the bastion of economics first and science in a strong second. No one needed to force philosophers to commit suicide for they had no effect, and that which has no effect needs not be destroyed.

So as philosophy was quickly perishing this philosopher fellow realized that the only way to secure its salvation, in one last gasp for air, he would have to secure an association with technology. That is he would have to develop a scientific philosophy. At first this might sound a bit fantastic but it is no different indeed than what had been accomplished by science. Science acquired its victory over religion by associating itself with it, by producing the same promises by adopting incredible possibilities. It was the adoption of evolution and the big bang theories, concepts transferable without modification but for name changing into religion. As that science could walk away with the fears and madness of the masses.

So Antonio Estelacar was not so brilliant for he had merely duplicated an idea but brilliance never rest on much more than that. His basic outline, and it is tedious but I will oversimplify it here, goes something like this. Philosophy in its early years suffered from lack of information which our libraries now possess but it also suffered because it concentrated its pursuit for truth in the arena of thought, ignoring action and by ignoring action ignoring the empirical. That is to say philosophy was to snooty to race along with the plebeians and when democracies broke loose, plebeian power philosophy was not only in the higher centers of learning, it was also going up like helium never to be recovered. Further Mr. Estelacar postulated that the abyss of thought with action was like the abyss between man and woman that could only be eliminated via a sexual encounter. His conclusion was that you could not marry thought and action but that they could mate. Certainly artificial insemination is a mating process that bridges a gap between what is human and what is mechanical and yet a woman could never marry this process; and yet this was no different than the relationship that has been forged with the masculine. Interestingly in the end most men would have to cross-dress or become homosexuals just to pamper their new uselessness. But that males were falsely thinking themselves women, that is autonomous, and the fact that evolution would inevitably make all advanced civilizations hermaphrodites is another topic.

So Antonio Estelacar thought it right that a technological imperative needed to be multiplied into the philosophical equation, he would formulate a device that would bind the purposefulness of action with the ideals of thought and through this device the truth would be visible. This assumption was based on the understood nature of action which we knew to be a reality in real time, and not necessarily reality in anything abstracted from real time, or indeed the truth. Thought we knew to be intangible but also universal in that it transcended time and by implication even space, and yes, time was the interesting constituent, the prophelactive that brought these two together while keeping them apart. The concept was strong in weaknesses and rudimentary, but enough useless individuals needed to believe in it and that served to spark a resurgence of philosophical aspirants and aspirations, which like historians and history, wanted to cling to things of the past that were long dead.

So if the sexual act was the binding force of male and female, same thing opposites, then it had to be that thought and action, same thing opposites, could be brought together by an interaction in time and space, more same thing opposites, through some technological aberration created with same thing opposites known as matter and energy. In other words something quiet like this, but not quiet like this, nor quiet like that, but in proximity to so many things, that all its borders touched something not quiet of itself, but somehow connected to it all, and in so doing would combine to create not all these individual things that we knew, but rather, something which inevitably they all had in common with themselves, with light, with darkness, with matter, with nothingness, and as such that what ever that was, had to somehow possess truth, if only one could undress it and there were those that wanted to do just that. And the end result promised nothing more perhaps than a picture of a human heart with a bunch of penises hanging from it. But penises mean nothing here for I am of the opinion that one could eliminate the opposite of the feminine and life could continue, and if this was so then the same must be true of all opposites, only one is real, light is really darkness, matter is really energy and so on.

The technology behind a machine that consecrates philosophical ideas with mutilating actions is far to complex but through much laboring and intensive effort from the neo-philosophers and pseudo-scientist that had been ignored by the fine Trveske Academy of sciences. The experiment in a word flew forward with veracity fostering incomprehensible innovation and perhaps because of its incomprehensibility success was viable.

Many years later Antonio Estelacar had already found his grave but his phenomenal philosophical empirical action driven thought machine had come to live and to function. It was centered on two wooden platforms joined together by only one staircase, that they were made of wood in this technological times was perhaps a symbol of the connection to the philosophical past which was revived to produce this experiment.

The steel tunnel like structure was about the size of two giant dinosaurs tied in battle by their tails. Wires, tubing, fluids, patches, bolts, silver insulation blankets, magnets reaching, clamping, radiators, tanks, and membranes, blood-vessels from cultured tissues, organisms covering metallic heart pumps, lined the tunnel like structure voraciously and vericouse like, exuding perspiration from heat and cold, occasionally thundering while mostly murmuring sounds from which we suspected the truth or a huge human heart with penises dangling from it could be extracted.

while most of what I have told you I have gathered from the history books the last part I tell you from experience for I was at the platforms the day of the grand opening of the tunnel of truth. I had been allowed to participate because I had convinced the research panel that my studies into the anatomical nature of destiny were critical to truth in the sense that if truth ultimately prevailed then destiny had to be its guiding hand. We had to suspect that destiny though active in reality, did in fact communicate with the truth through some medium, and this had to be or else how could destiny guide us. The research team, being by an large a bunch of renegades was also emotionally persuaded by my particular struggle against destinies tyranny. I argued, and they agreed that if destiny was being forced upon us then a revolution had to be inspired and indeed was probably already in the making, we merely needed to identify its constituents and so perhaps the scientists, philosophers and a thinker, that is myself, were about to initiate the revolt of humanity against a forced existence. The tension was tremendous for it had been long expected that the individual that would take those first steps into this thing would indeed experience the truth. The truth was going to be displayed in strange but obvious ways for this machine of heart, had the capacity of allowing for the truth to exist, in reality without the normal hindrance of subjectivity which was found to be the primary problem with facing the truth.